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Top Tips for Practising Music at Home

It goes without saying that nothing worthwhile is achieved without effort. 'No pain without gain' they say. Learning to play a musical instrument is no exception. If one practises regularly it isn't too long before the difficulties associated with reading music, or dealing with the practical manoeuvres peculiar to a particular instrument, begin to fade into insignificance. It is the ones who shy away from practising who suffer the most in the long run - with the 'agony' for themselves and those around them being prolonged. Here are my top tips for practising at home:

During the early stages of learning a little meaningful practice every day is enough. A little often is the way to do it. I also encourage my students to practice at a set time every day, preferably in the morning when they are fresh. No other activity should be allowed to invade this time slot. Morning practice frees up the evenings for other events like homework and/or social activities. Whilst practising, don't try to play the whole piece through once and think that is enough. Better to work a few bars each day. Keep repeating difficult moves. Each day add a little more to what you know. Don't 'clock watch' but concentrate on trying to improve. Leave your practice session feeling that progress has been made - no matter how little. Good luck.

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