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Fake It 'till You Make It: The Introvert's Guide to Performing

I always say don't ever feel less than your fellow musicians when you play in an ensemble and don't underestimate your abilities, or devalue yourself when playing on your own. If there is an audience the chances are that most of them can't play a note so you are ahead on points straight away. As far as fellow performers are concerned - they could well be too involved in their own musical insecurities to bother about anyone else.

Music is a vehicle for all abilities. It's unique structure allows for the ability of any of its performers to make a meaningful contribution to the piece. Draw on your strengths and use them where you can. Put a smile on your face and play with confidence as if you know what you're doing. Leave dodgy bits to others where you can... only where you need to. Go for a good tone because if it sounds good you'll play more confidently. Have fun!

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